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Ingevoerd door Gijs van Rij |
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Bijschrift :
Stoomschip Texelstroom |
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Klik op de foto voor vergroting
Ref. nummer |
318 |
Breedte |
710 pixels
Hoogte |
462 pixels
Digitale opname |
Filenaam : | | adm_22_handelskade SS Texelstroom.jpg |
Omschrijving : | | Dit schip de Texelstroom werd op 22 Feb 1941 vlak voor de kust van IJsland getorpedeerd door de U-108. Kapitein A.J.E. Lefering, 2e officier Abraham van Rij en de andere 23 bemanningsleden verloren daarbij het leven. |
Opmerkingen : | | At 22.24 hours on 22 Feb, 1941, the unescorted Texelstroom (Master A.J.E. Lefering) was hit under the rear mast by a G7e torpedo from U-108 but no effect could be observed and the ship changed course towards the coast while sending light signals. At 22.46 hours, a first coup de grāce was fired but it exploded prematurely and the second fired at 22.54 hours also malfunctioned but hit the bow as a surface-runner, causing the ship to sink in three minutes. Due to snowfall the visibility was bad, still Scholtz reported seeing lifeboats with lights. Despite of being only 25 miles from Iceland, there were no survivors. |
Commentaar bezoekers |
Toon ExifExif ColorSpace=65535 DateTime=2003:03:04 11:31:01 ExifImageLength=452 ExifImageWidth=700 ExifOffset=156 Orientation=0 ResolutionUnit=2 Software=Adobe Photoshop 7.0 thumbnail:Compression=6 thumbnail:JPEGInterchangeFormat=294 thumbnail:JPEGInterchangeFormatLength=4006 thumbnail:ResolutionUnit=2 thumbnail:XResolution=72/1 thumbnail:YResolution=72/1 XResolution=72/1 YResolution=72/1 |